The CBU-97 cluster bomb releases 40 'Skeet' explosively formed penetrators; upon detecting a vehicle below, the skeets fire a hypervelocity EFP down onto the top armour of a tank. The simulation presents the EFP formation and penetration process, against the engine cover of a T-72 main battle tank. In reality, the skeets detonate from no less than 15m above the target, however this would not fit well into the screen, so the distance was reduced significantly. However, this would have little effect on the results as the EFP shape has already stabilised, as well as the effects of drag being minimal over 15m. The liner of the Skeet has been approximated in thickness and the fragmenting edges, which are present on most images of the EFP, have been omitted (a test model was run which included them but the expected results were not replicated). But, it should be noted that there does appear to be a version with a simple liner (no fragmenting edges), which is shown at the beginning of the video. The engine was modelled a simple 20mm steel-walled shell as the detail of its internal components was unecessary (post armour, being able to penetrate over 20mm of RHA is likely enough to disable a critical part of the engine).